
Thursday, 23 May 2019

Weekly update

hello everyone,

This week we have been learning about Mary the mother of Jesus
we have been working on our slideshow.For the past 2 weeks now.
And we have been learning about the stages of Mary's life and how it happened.
The stages in Mary's life are the Annunciation,the Visitation,the birth of Jesus,
the Presentation of Jesus in the temple and a few more stages of Mary's life.

Yesterday we did winter sport and it was my first time doing winter sport
 and you had to choose a sport out of ripper rugby,soccer,netball and hockey.
What I choose was netball and I've never played it before and I can't believe I got a goal.
But the other team still won because they got 11 and we got 3 points I really enjoyed playing it
It was so much fun!

I hope you enjoyed my blog

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Anti-Bullying day

Anti-Bullying day

17 May 2019

Hello everyone,

Today is a special day today.
It is about a kid not too long ago where one day at school he wore a  Pink shirt and Lots of 
People bullied him just for wearing a pink shirt
So today is a special day for him-Anti bullying day.So everyone gets to celebrate this day!
And at our school we get to wear  pink shirts so today we're are all wearing pink shirts 
to stand up for the bullying.So that's why we are wearing Pink shirts.
And after morning tea all of our school is going outside to take a Pink shirt photo!
And that will be cool!
So that's why we all have to wear pink shirts.
I hope you enjoyed my blog!

Weekly 1-6 update!

Hello,welcome On Friday,We had a Market day!-We all loved to sell our products to customers who were there at Market day.My group(me,Jul...