
Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Weekly 1-6 update!


On Friday,We had a Market day!-We all loved to sell our products to customers who were there at
Market day.My group(me,Julia)had only had 14 prayer rocks to sell.Most of them selled out fast people kept coming and coming.....It was MAD!-We all really enjoyed selling our market day Products!

Last Tuesday,We went to high school musical(stage show)It was placed at catholic cathedral college.
They had really AWESOME actors in it it was amazing!!!!-but the funny part was when a guy backstage he forgot to turn it off so you could here was he was saying it was funny-everyone enjoyed It!

And last of all We had a service day.Which in that case I was put into group to see st John of God.
It is a beautiful place to go.We had lots of fun.The People at St John of God,LOVED the Activities
that we brang to share with them We all had a great time!



Weekly 1-6 update!

Hello,welcome On Friday,We had a Market day!-We all loved to sell our products to customers who were there at Market day.My group(me,Jul...